The eyes have it

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The things I miss the most . . .

. . . other than Mrs. B

Lorenzo's pizza, Stromboli from Right Off Main, chicken cheesesteaks from phillips son, good beers, lasagna, ophies surprise, mexican food, italian food, sandwiches of all shapes/sizes/varieties, burritos, basically all of mrs. B's cooking, baked potatos, french fries, homefries

the list goes on and on but tomorrow its no holds barred. it will be time to get my straight eat on!

Outside of 7th Heaven on Friday night

Me and Mrs B before Chase Utley Bobblehead Night

Saturday, August 16, 2008

hold em...yes hold em....not those

My weekend officially kicked off with a split with the infamous russell A. 115 K + bonus son.
So now that I actually made some money for the week, I decided I would go over to the castle de la matt for some poker with the boys. Deezy's place is starting to look really good and Slender picked up a sweet new professional style poker table.

A rag tag $7 tournament of no limit ensued between matt deezy, the nightcrawler, slenda head and the ott.

Final Standing:
  1. slenda Grand Champion

  2. ott Runna Up

  3. the crawler bronze

  4. matt deezy bitch of the night

The beers were flowing and the game was over so we decided to walk up the street to Coyles Pub. Cold beer but absolutely DEAD. A decision was made to go to Main Street for a few more brews. Nightcrawler used hating main street as a diversion to secretly tap deezy's roommates ass. Kudos crawler.

Basically, we went to Sapphire (the land of overpriced drinks, big chicks and huge black brothers) and had a few more drinks. Matt's ex met us there(to my surprise).

Anyway I went backto the house, ate a cheesburger & someone's peanut butter and passed out.

Friday, August 15, 2008

fuzzy balls and smooth fields

I am tired.

My night was full of fuzzy balls and smooth fields.

Dodging the impending rain, the Leeg and I had another great night of tennis in Bala Cynwyd. He kicked my ass in singles (nothing new there) and then we challenged 2 other local tennis blokes to a match. My serve was on point and the Leeg was playing the net better than he normally does (not saying he's usually bad up there). The new opponents were decent competitors and the one kid had a sick cross court return shot. He was messing our day up for a hot minute. Otter & Leeg dominate once again.

I was taught about the danger zone in tennis known as "No Man's Land." NML is the section in the middle of the court where you basically are out of position for the next ball. You should position yourself in the middle of the baseline or approach the net. Thanks Leeg for your expertise!

After about 1.5 hours of tennis it started raining so I had to head to the land of the smooth fields. I had to ask a Russian gypsy for directions but when I finally arrived I was very glad I made the trip.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Chicken Soup & Double Rainbow in South Philly

While out shopping for a new bike in South Philly J Dubbs & I got caught in a crazy thunderstorm. After eating at the Oregon Diner, we came out to see this rainbow. They had pretty slamming Chicken Rice soup. Although, it caused an EPA (Explosive Poop Attack) in the diner.

The funny thing is I got called out by a little boy in the bathroom. He literally said, "Daddy, why does it stink so bad in here?" As his Dad was relieving himself and moaning YES moaning he muttered, "I don't know looks like they have a pretty good ventilation system in here." Are you kidding me? That bathroom hadn't been updated since 1923. Good ventilation system my ass. I felt like yelling, "That's my shit kid! What you are smelling is my shit!" But then I figured maybe I would confuse him or screw him up for life forever or piss off his detailoriented father. So I didn't say shit---literally!

Meanwhile, I'm sitting on this archaic shitter, one of the stalls with the 3 inch crack on each side so people can walk by and get a good peep show, wondering how my life had gotten to this point. Oh yeah, it was the Chicken Rice Soup.

THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES Chicken Rice Soup!!!!!