Thursday, August 14, 2008

Chicken Soup & Double Rainbow in South Philly

While out shopping for a new bike in South Philly J Dubbs & I got caught in a crazy thunderstorm. After eating at the Oregon Diner, we came out to see this rainbow. They had pretty slamming Chicken Rice soup. Although, it caused an EPA (Explosive Poop Attack) in the diner.

The funny thing is I got called out by a little boy in the bathroom. He literally said, "Daddy, why does it stink so bad in here?" As his Dad was relieving himself and moaning YES moaning he muttered, "I don't know looks like they have a pretty good ventilation system in here." Are you kidding me? That bathroom hadn't been updated since 1923. Good ventilation system my ass. I felt like yelling, "That's my shit kid! What you are smelling is my shit!" But then I figured maybe I would confuse him or screw him up for life forever or piss off his detailoriented father. So I didn't say shit---literally!

Meanwhile, I'm sitting on this archaic shitter, one of the stalls with the 3 inch crack on each side so people can walk by and get a good peep show, wondering how my life had gotten to this point. Oh yeah, it was the Chicken Rice Soup.

THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES Chicken Rice Soup!!!!!

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